Spilling the Tea on Website Landing Pages

When I started in the SEO industry over 25 years ago, someone explained the landing page concept to me: the page a user lands on is a landing page. Make it works for you and them.

At the time, the explanation was simple but effective. It emphasized the importance of making the landing page work for your website visitors and effectively serve its purpose. And it has stuck with me ever since.

Essential elements of a killer landing page

The elements of a landing page are like the magic formula to drive targeted traffic to a specific page on your website.

And the best part is, you can customize these elements based on the goals and objectives of your campaign.

But, there are some common elements that every landing page should have, and I’ll start with the most important one:

Main Headline

Make it a newspaper headline. Grab attention. Tell a story.

The story is your value proposition or main benefit of the product or service you’re offering. The headline is the first thing your customers will see when they visit your website.

Keep it short, unique, and attention-grabbing.

Your headline is a reflection of your business. Make it persuasive and leave a lasting impression.

Did you come across any of these newspaper headlines from the past?

“Terror Strikes America” – This headline from The New York Post in 2001 sums up the shock and horror of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

I remember watching the terror on TV. Some of my neighbors were out on the street, shaken. It was a terrible day.

O.J. Acquitted” – This headline from The Los Angeles Times in 1995 marked the end of one of the most high-profile and controversial trials in American history.

I remember this one too. I was a graduate student working part time in a restaurant. The news was on. Some of our patrons booed. Some just clapped.

Google Goes Public” – The New York Times (2004)

Folks, this NYT headline marked a major milestone for the tech and search engine giant we all know and love (?) The IPO (initial public offering) price at the time was around $85. How much is it now? You can always google to find out!

Value Proposition

You see, a value proposition is all about answering the question, “What’s in it for me?” for your customers. It’s a critical element that helps communicate the main benefit of your product or service and convinces your website visitors to take action.

To create an effective value proposition, it needs to be:

  • Clear and to the point
  • Focused on the customer’s wants and needs
  • Unique and sets you apart from the competition
  • Easy to comprehend
  • Placed in a prominent location on your landing page

Recognize any of these?

  1. “Just Do It” – Nike
  2. “Think Different” – Apple
  3. “Because You’re Worth It” – L’Oreal
  4. “Finger Licking Good” – KFC
  5. “Can You Hear Me Now?” – Verizon
  6. “I’m Lovin’ It” – McDonald’s
  7. “The Happiest Place on Earth” – Disneyland
  8. “The Quicker Picker Upper” – Bounty


A call-to-action (CTA) on a landing page is a button or link that directs the visitor to take a specific action that aligns with the goal of the landing page.

The CTA should be:

  • Prominently placed
  • Easy to find
  • Action-oriented
  • Specific to the goal of the landing page

A clear and compelling CTA encourages visitors to take action. For example, if the landing page is for a newsletter sign-up, the CTA could be “Sign up for our newsletter.”

If the landing page is for a free trial, the CTA could be “Start your free trial now.”

It’s also a good practice to have multiple CTAs on a landing page, as this allows visitors to take different actions based on their interests or needs.

A CTA can come in many forms, whether it be a simple piece of text or an eye-catching button. The important thing is to test both to see which works best for your particular landing page.

Now, when it comes to styling your CTA, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First and foremost, make sure it stands out visually – use contrasting colors to grab the visitor’s attention.

Keep the language action-oriented, using verbs like “Sign up now” or “Get started.” There are so many examples of great CTAs online. As always, make sure it’s prominent and easy to find.

From “Shop Now” at Amazon to “Join the Movement” at Patagonia, these CTAs are clear, concise, and effective. These companies have done a great job of making it easy for visitors to take the next step and engage with their brand.

Take a look at more examples below. See how you can apply it to your own landing pages.

  1. Get a Quote” – Geico
  2. “Try for Free” – Dropbox
  3. “Book a Room” – Marriott
  4. “Get Early Access” – Slack
  5. “Start Your Journey” – Nike

High-Quality Visuals

Images or videos help visually communicate the message, create trust, and make the page more engaging, memorable, and effective. They also help explain the features of your product or service in a way that text alone cannot.

I know what you’re thinking. I’m writing this whole page without a single image. Talk about practicing what you preach, huh? 🙂

Social Proofs for Trust and Credibility

Having real-life stories and endorsements from satisfied customers can do wonders for your landing page’s conversion rates.

I know, I know, they are hard to get. I feel your pain. You, me, and a whole lot of business owners out there are in the same boat. But keep on keeping on.

Testimonials serve as social proof, showcasing that others have already tried and loved your product or service. This helps build trust and credibility with potential customers, making them more likely to take action.

For example, if you have a large number of satisfied customers, or have received recognition from industry experts, highlighting this information can help build trust and persuade visitors to take action.

People-First Content

I added this element last. But that doesn’t mean content is not important. It’s actually the opposite.

Writing people-first content in a landing page is all about making a real connection with your site visitors and gradually guiding them to take action. You, the business owner, are having a friendly conversation with your prospects, right there on your page!

When you’re crafting your landing page content, it’s important to focus on the needs and desires of your target audience. What are they looking for? What problem are they trying to solve? How can you make their lives better with your product or service?

By answering these questions and putting your audience first, you’ll be able to create copy that resonates with them and makes them feel understood. This can be the difference between a landing page that flops and one that converts like hot cakes.

When you’re writing your content, don’t be afraid to be friendly and conversational. Speak directly to the reader. Imagine that you’re chatting with them right there on the page. Be nice.

Don’t forget the power of storytelling! People love a good story, and using a narrative to illustrate the benefits of your product or service can be an effective way to engage your audience and get them to take action.

So, put yourself in their shoes, write in a friendly and conversational tone, and focus on what they need to make their lives better.

In short, when it comes to your online campaigns, the landing page is a real game-changer. It’s the key to driving targeted traffic and turning those visitors into leads or customers. That’s why it’s so important to take your time and put in the effort to create a landing page that really shines.

I’d love to work with you. My team and I at My Local Start specialize in digital marketing and organic search engine optimization. We know what it takes to create a landing page that connects with your audience and helps you achieve your goals.

And if you’re a local business in Western North Carolina, even better!

We’d love to work with you and help your business grow online.

Let’s chat!